Lerycke Advocats is a legal firm with an enterprising team of professionals trained in the most important and prestigious Spanish and international law firms.
Real estate lawyers. Lerycke Advocats lawyers offers consolidated legal advice in all matters related to real estate market in Spain.
Lerycke Advocats lawyers are familiar with main peculiarities of other jurisdictions and provides high quality advice in the client's language in the different areas of law. This makes Lerycke Advocats a perfect option for non-resident investors, both for their investments in Spain and for the resolution of any contingencies and conflicts that may arise in the areas of real estate, urban planning or civil law once they have established themselves in Spain.
Law Firm with offices in Palma de Mallorca and Barcelona.
Cristina Lerycke
Team Lerycke Advocats
French, English, Spanish and Catalan
Palma de Mallorca,
Av. Jaime III, 3, 2º1ª, 07012